Monday, March 2, 2009

Our Schedule :)

We have needed a schedule for some time and I am really good at making schedules but not so good at implementing them. Well, I got wise and we actually started using this one! I worked on it backwards, meaning, I want the kids in bed at 8. So in order for that to happen, dinner needs to be at 5 or 5:30 so there is enough time for playing, family time, reading, pajamas and teeth getting brushed, etc....

We haven't aced the whole day but it has helped so much with staying on task and each day we get better!

Morning Meeting. We read books, talk about the day and do review work. This has not been all that consistent due to late sleepers, 2 year olds that HATE to sit, or attitudes that need to get checked...mine? Yes.
(MWF) Phonics and Writing. (TTH) Spelling and Writing
(MW) Art. (TTH) Science. (F) Computer Math Game
Social Studies/History
Grammar and Copywork
Maleiah has a nap and we do Math! This has been the biggest transition and the best for us. It was impossible to do math with Maleiah awake in the mornings. It has been so much more pleasant having the time to do it in the afternoon.

As for the rest of the day, it has been harder to maintain the rhythm but the kids are in bed by 8 most nights. :)

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