Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Works For Me Wednesday

We are library addicts so we started a Library day each week. Caeden already has Library day at school on Tuesdays but he and I go on Mondays in the evenings. We started doing this because then I always know that the books are due back on a Monday instead of having all these different dates throughout the week. We were spending way too much time going back and forth.
We also have a Library basket near the door so we know where to find those library books come time for there due date. We tend to have lots of books to pick up when we go thanks to the book request feature online so we can't even hold them in our arms so we have a Library bag/Car bag that we carry all the books in. I had a bag that actually broke because of all those books and I was blessed with a new, sturdy one for Christmas.

1 comment:

Hotomom said...

I love that basket by the door idea. We also have a bag but it also never seems big enough. I currently store them on our time out chair.