Monday, April 4, 2011


I received a new journal from a friend before I left California and I was waiting to fill the pages of my current journal before I started the new one.  However, I need something new (because there isn't enough new right now? LOL), something that I can poor just my thanksgiving into.  Just that.  Thanks.

I have long read Ann's blog.  It's deep, heavy and most I have to be ready, prepared to read.  But I have been reading her book and been rocked so this morning I decided to continue my list.

Thankful for:

0121. More space than I know what to do with.
0122. Technology that keeps me connected.
0123. Family.
0124. Little girl hugs of new friends.
0125. Cyber hugs from best friends.
0126. Squirrels in the backyard.
0127. Justin's job, his boss.
0128. A place to write it all down.
0129. Hydrangeas from home.
0130. A new purse made with a friend.

1 comment:

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

"A place to write it all down." Isn't it great to get a new journal??? I almost hate writing anything on those blank pages. Glad to see you counting and listing. I agree, Ann's blog is so moving. Thank you for your post today. It was good to have been here!